Every month in the magazine "Dari Pats" - original ideas for home installation, furniture design, construction and garden installation, reviews of various materials, thoroughly explained and illustrated repairs, suggestions for improving the workshop: tool tests and comparisons, craftsmen's knives and special masters.
The magazine's team is convinced that everyone can put the long-coveted tiles in the bathroom with their own hands, repair a dripping water tap or replace a window frame, make a cute bookshelf, create a playground for children in the garden, or even build a shed for firewood! The magazine "Do It Yourself", in consultation with the best experts, will help to complete a variety of practical work step by step with the help of comprehensive illustrations.
Subscription offer:
1 month subscription: 1.99 EUR
12-month subscription: 19.99 EUR
The magazine "Dari Pats" is published once a month and is published by the publishing house "Dienas Žurnāli".